Maybe they should make a movie out of their eschatology. Like the Left Behind movies?
the watchtower may 2015 features an image and timeline of the attack of gog of magog to support the new doctrinal changes introduced by gb 2.0.. now i wonder where they got that idea from?.
attack of gog of magog.
Maybe they should make a movie out of their eschatology. Like the Left Behind movies?
i get this:.
bad request.
the browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand..
the meaning of the name boko haram is "secular education is forbidden".
so due to their stance on higher education, i charge that jehovah's witnesses are the same as them only not as valiant in their madly misguided doctrine.
i have been observing a pattern in recent wtbs publications and events.
is the importance of the preaching activity no longer the number 1 priority?
are not billions of lives still at stake?.
here we go again... let's study... news report... comment.... who is gog of magog mentioned in the book of ezekiel?.
for a number of years, our publications have explained that gog of magog is the name given to satan the devil after his ouster from heaven.
this explanation was based on the fact that the book of revelation identifies satan the devil as the leader of the worldwide attack on gods people.
They look like zombies rising from the dead:
i have been observing a pattern in recent wtbs publications and events.
is the importance of the preaching activity no longer the number 1 priority?
are not billions of lives still at stake?.
@ insidetheKH: "...only to make clear to @Village that local examples can't be extrapolated to the rest of the world."
Yes, it might be anecdotal information, but I've heard similar multiple reports from different sources. You might want to start a thread asking for information about congregation mergers. I'm sure you'll hear a few accounts from all over the US.
improving our skills in the ministrydeveloping a magazine route.
what does delivering magazines have to do with skills in a ministry?.
"many people who enjoy reading our magazines do not wish to study the bible with us.".
Will they be taking the singing trolley with them?
OUTLAW: That guy on the doorstep is dangerously close to receiving some brain damage or a severe neck injury.
the watchtower may 2015 features an image and timeline of the attack of gog of magog to support the new doctrinal changes introduced by gb 2.0.. now i wonder where they got that idea from?.
attack of gog of magog.
No, I think that the Bitchtower just had a brainstorm and came up with that independently. Or maybe they plagiarized something else?
PS: On second thought maybe you're right.
just messing with the graphic from the latest wt on gog.
the farther i get from this poop the more it smells.
enjoy and comment if you are inclined.. .
You could have at least inserted a nuclear mushroom cloud behind those boy scouts.
i have been observing a pattern in recent wtbs publications and events.
is the importance of the preaching activity no longer the number 1 priority?
are not billions of lives still at stake?.
insidetheKH: "...we should never extrapolate our own experience in a local kingdom hall to the rest of the world."
My understanding is that most of that growth is from 2nd and 3rd world nations with negative growth in the US and I believe Europe. I don't have the Yearbooks but I think that each nation has its different statistics. Comparing the US to Mexico might be interesting.
My belief, even when I was still in, was that "informal witnessing" to acquaintances and "worldly" friends was a better way of attracting people. It worked for me, having helped to convert two Pentecostals at High School. Never had any success at door to door though.